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We purchased 4 foldable Doheny bikes in the fall of 2023. The bags were not available at the time of our purchase. A few months later the bags were in stock and so we bought one for each bike. Being able to put the bikes into the bags for transport has been a game changer! They fit so much better in the back of our truck and are SO much easier to move around in the bags. We also store our bikes in the bags for the winter since we live in a cold weather climate. Buy a bag! You will be so glad you did!
We needed a way to store and transport our e-bikes. This has solved our issue, easy to load folded bike in and carry. Plus, takes up less room than the totes that everyone is recommending for transporting the bikes.
This bag is a life saver, makes loading our e-bikes so much easier. Definitely a great purchase.
Super easy to contain, zip and lift/carry the folded bikes and into my vehicle.
My wife and I bought two Doheny bikes a few months back and we have never looked back! These bikes are very well built, have great creature comfort and just a good ride. We live south of Chicago and have some pretty nice bike paths to ride but looking forward to taking them to Florida and riding the Florida Trail. They fold down pretty easy and fit in the back of the truck in the travel bag.
A BIG plus with this company is they ANSWER the phone! Great customer service and some friendly guys who have helped with a discount that came out after we received our bikes.
You will not regret this purchase. BUT the bags make the packing easy and they are very well made…great quality guys…keep up the good work!